ChatGPT Answers a Question About Life Insurance

It does not accumulate cash value, making it a straightforward and cost-effective option.
For a single person without dependents, the focus is often on providing financial protection in case of premature death rather than on building cash value or leaving an inheritance.
It’s essential to review your individual circumstances, consider your financial goals, and assess whether life insurance is necessary for your situation.
Consulting with a financial advisor can help you make an informed decision based on your specific needs and goals.
Professional Analysis: More Detail, More Information
The response from ChatGPT is accurate, but it does not go deep enough to truly be valuable to a client.
While term life insurance is a great choice, it’s not the only option for a single person with no dependents.
Creating a more in-depth prompt, while leaving out personal information, can help clients get more well-rounded answers to their questions.
For example, including general information on household expenses such as a mortgage, groceries, gas, annual income, etc., in the prompt can help the AI curate more specific, accurate advice.
If clients present fleshed-out information from ChatGPT, advisors can demonstrate their value by sharing detailed recommendations for preserving financial security.
Working together with generative AI programs can help advisors cement themselves as trusted resources, as they can create a relationship in which clients fact-check AI recommendations with their advisor before implementing them.
Protecting clients’ financial plans through tailored recommendations on AI responses will help clients feel more secure in their finances and provide a much-needed safety net.
Credit: Bloomberg Finance LP