Monthly Archive: September 2019


Five major Issues Facing the P&C Insurance Industry in Canada

Remarks by Don Forgeron, IBC, the 2019 National Insurance Conference of Canada Toronto, ON (Sept. 24, 2019) – At the NICC on Sept. 23, Don Forgeron, President & CEO of the Insurance Bureau of...

What women should consider when getting life insurance

In years past, the life insurance industry primarily targeted men as their most lucrative market segment; traditionally, men were the breadwinners in almost every family, so this made sense. Times have changed, however, and...


Has a “New” Theme Emerged at InsureTech Connect 2019?

New SMA Blog by Mark Breading, Partner, Strategy Meets Action — After three intense and exhausting days at ITC2019, I’m a little conflicted. It was quite exciting. And there are many fascinating companies and...


Cities Need to Prepare Now for Disruption from Artificial Intelligence

No city anywhere is “close to ready” for the disruption of Artificial Intelligence Oliver Wyman Forum Index ranks 105 cities in four different population size categories Not one city, large or small, is fully...