Say What? 9 Things Overheard Among the Wealthy

1. Let’s be frank: “We are all 1 percenters here.”
We were island hopping on a cruise on a smaller ship with about 75 passengers. It was easy to get to know people, with people getting relaxed after a few drinks. Someone leaned over to me and said: “We are all 1 percenters here.”
Say what? This goal is easier to achieve than you might imagine. According to Kiplinger, to be in the top 1% in the United States in 2022, you needed $10,815,000 in net worth. The top 2% needed $2,472,000 and the top 5% $1,030,000. I did not correct her, saying I did not belong to the club, but many financial advisors are close, if not actual members.
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