Monthly Archive: July 2020


Life, Health and Financial Security Report: Globe & Mail

Toronto, ON (July 31, 2020) – The global coronavirus pandemic has created an array of health and economic challenges, which have been felt to various degrees in every corner of the world. In Canada,...


Climate risk goes beyond the ‘E’ in ESG: webinar

Kelsey Rolfe | July 31, 2020 Climate change has accelerated the risk of expensive natural disasters, but these risks still aren’t being adequately taken into consideration in investment decisions. “Climate risks oftentimes are evaluated more under ‘E’ in...


BCI posts 3% gain for fiscal 2020

Staff | July 31, 2020 The British Columbia Investment Management Corp. rounded out its fiscal year with a three per cent return, slightly underperforming its 3.3 per cent benchmark. In dollar terms, the BCI added $17.8...


This Week on (07/31/2020)

Research Michigan Court reverses Reliance’s termination decision and finds Plaintiff proved by a preponderance of the evidence that he is totally disabled from working at any occupation due to cognitive disorders. Is Plaintiff Entitled to LTD Benefits When Unable to Work in Any Occupation? Q&A – Disability Companies In this video and article, Attorneys Gregory…