IIROC nominates three candidates for independent director positions

The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada is nominating three candidates for upcoming independent director positions on its board.
The nominees — Malcolm Heins, Jennifer Newman and Laura Tamblyn Watts — will be subject to a formal election in September at the organization’s annual meeting.
“IIROC’s board is confident that the nominees demonstrate a strong commitment to risk management, investor protection and an improved investor experience,” said Paul Allison, the chairman of IIROC’s board, in a press release. “Mr. Heins, Ms. Newman and Ms. Tamblyn Watts have established themselves throughout their careers and advocacy work as strong champions for effective and responsive regulation.”
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Heins, a lawyer, became the chief executive officer of the Law Society of Ontario in 2001. In 2015, he became chair of the Ontario Expert Committee to Consider Policy Alternatives for the Regulation of Financial Advisory and Financial Planning Services. He’s currently a member of the Investor Advisory Panel for the Ontario Securities Commission.
Newman is currently the senior managing director for real estate operations and special projects at the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan.
Tamblyn Watts is also a lawyer. In addition, she’s president and chief executive officer of seniors’ advocacy and policy group CanAge, as well as a member of the OSC’s task force on seniors. Previously, she was the CARP’s chief public policy officer and a board member of Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments.
The new directors will succeed Edward Iacobucci, James Donegan and Catherine Smith as their terms are drawing to a close.
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