A suspended licence means you’re *not* allowed to drive
If your vehicle isn’t plated, don’t drive it: it’s illegal and you’re uninsured, so #DoNotRiskIt
(We shouldn’t even have to say this …)
Regina, SK (Nov. 1, 2019) – Police and SGI are focused on suspended drivers and uninsured vehicles for the November Traffic Safety Spotlight.
Now, it’s trivia time! Roughly how many drivers do you think are suspended from driving at any given time in Saskatchewan?
- 500
- 5,000
- 15,000
- 55,000
If you answered “(d.) 55,000,” you are correct … and probably a little surprised? A licence can be suspended for a variety of reasons, anywhere from 72 hours to indefinitely. Reasons range from impaired driving, a poor driving record, failing to live up to obligations imposed by SGI or the courts, or a medical condition.
The majority of suspensions are for unpaid traffic fines and/or not completing driver program requirements such as Driving Without Impairment, a Defensive Driving Course, or participating in the Ignition Interlock program. Since 2013, there have been nearly 3,500 drivers caught driving while suspended every year, on average. And those are just the ones who got caught.
“It should go without saying that anyone who has a suspended licence should not be driving – that’s what being suspended means – but some drivers risk it,” said Penny McCune, Chief Operating Officer of the Auto Fund. “It’s a safety concern, because in many cases, licences get suspended as a result of bad driving behaviours, such as impaired driving.”
Potential consequences for driving while suspended include immediate vehicle impoundments, and court summonses for charges under either The Traffic Safety Act or the Criminal Code, with potential fines and/or jail time. Consequences escalate for repeat offenders.
Here’s another reason why that’s a bad idea: a suspended licence means you don’t have insurance if you cause a collision. If you’re responsible for a crash while driving suspended, you’ll be held liable for potentially tens of thousands of dollars in damages – or more – to any vehicles or property involved.
That also goes for anyone who causes a collision while driving an unregistered (i.e. uninsured) vehicle – meaning a vehicle with expired or cancelled plates. With the help of more than 160 highly effective automated licence plate readers (ALPRs) in law enforcement vehicles across the province, about 10,000 drivers are caught every year operating an unregistered vehicle. (One added bonus, ALPR stops often yield more than unregistered vehicles; they can flag vehicles with suspended drivers, stolen vehicles, and vehicles connected to Amber alerts.)
The fine for driving an unregistered vehicle is $580. Repeat offenders receive a seven-day vehicle impoundment, so you really don’t want to forget to renew your plates. You can sign up for email reminders and renew your plates online with mysgi.ca.
Follow SGI on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in November for more information about the consequences of driving without a licence or insurance. #DoNotRiskIt
SGI CANADA is the property and casualty insurance division of SGI, offering products in five Canadian provinces. It operates as SGI CANADA in Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario, and also as Coachman Insurance Company in Ontario. Products are sold through a network of independent insurance brokers. For more information, visit www.sgicanada.ca.
Source: Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI)
Tags: driving safety, SGI Read the original article at Insurance-Canada.ca