Term Life Activity Keeps Booming

Age breakouts: Here’s what happened to activity for each age group between July 2023 and the latest month:
- Ages 0-30: -0.6%
- Ages 31-40: +1.9%
- Ages 51-60: -3.7%
- Ages 61-70: -6.0%
- Ages 71 and older: -2.2%
Policygenius: A web broker, Policygenius, now prepares monthly term life price index charts. The lowest price shown is for a 25-year-old female nonsmoker who wants $250,000 in death benefits.
The highest price is now for a 60-year-old male smoker who wants $1 million in coverage. The highest price present in both 2023 and this year is for a 55-year-old male smoker who wants $1 million in coverage.
For the 25-year-old, the lowest rate fell to $14.29, from $14.59.
For the 55-year-old smoker, the highest rate rose to $1,010.11, from $1,006.88.
Credit: Adobe Stock