Seniors driving longer? More insured vehicles!
Montreal, QC (Oct. 21, 2016) – No surprise here: since 2015, women aged 75 or over represent the largest share increase in the number of insured vehicles, according to the most recent stats published by Groupement des assureurs automobiles (GAA).
In fact, GAA’s yearly update reveals an astonishing progression: over the past five years, the number of vehicles insured by women aged 75 or over has risen 31%. For men of the same age, it rose 23%.
Thus, among seniors aged over 75, the number of vehicles insured between 2015 and 2019 increased from 102,631 to 134,771 for women, and from 176,097 to 216,727 for men.
For drivers as a whole, the number of vehicles insured rose 5% during the past five years. Among younger drivers, it fell 8% and 7%, respectively, for women and men under 25 years of age.
“As the population ages, we note that seniors want to drive longer. On the flip side, the number of younger insured vehicle owners is down. Opposing trends among younger and older drivers!” noted Anne Morin, Supervisor Public Affairs.
Who has the most accidents?
Up to the age of 29, men have the highest loss frequency, but the trend reverses as of age 30, when collision frequency is higher among women, according to 2019 data.
However, for both genders, claims experience improves progressively as drivers age, up to age 65, when claims go up slightly.
It’s no surprise then, that drivers age 24 and under, both men and women, have the highest collision claims frequency. While collision frequency for all drivers is 4.72%, it rises to 11% and 9%, respectively, for men and women in the 16-20 age group, and to 8% and 7%, in the 21-24 age group.
Among all age groups, drivers aged 45 to 64 have the fewest accidents.
Learn more: Rating criteria – age and gender.
Notes: The data contained in this press release refers to:
- Civil liability coverage for the number vehicles insured
- Collision or upset coverage for claims frequency and average cost
Figures were rounded out to facilitate reading.
About Groupement des assureurs automobiles
The mission of the Groupement des assureurs automobiles is to safeguard consumers’ interests by making auto insurance accessible, simplifying claims settlement, and promoting fair and equitable rates. For more information, please visit
SOURCE: Groupement des assureurs automobiles
Tags: Groupement des Assureurs Automobiles (GAA)
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